1035 Koshlong Lake Road
Haliburton, Ontario
thelittletart at live dot ca
We are located just 8km south of Haliburton off of Gelert Road (That's only a ten minute drive from downtown!) or follow the Rail Trail.
Here at The Little Tart all of our baked goods are created from scratch and made by hand fresh daily the way home baking should be.
We take pride in everything we do from our baking to our friendly and courteous customer service. All of our recipes are tried and retried until they are our absolute best.
Visit us at The Little Tart and fall in love at first bite!
Making mouths water since 2009.

Sunday, April 24, 2022


The sun was shining today and it feels like the perfect time to say the countdown to opening is on! The store and kitchen have been scrub-a-dubbed squeaky clean and we are going into prep mode! It's back into the kitchen for Bill and I and we're looking forward to welcoming you all back. It was a long winter and we have missed you.

Unfortunately I have to address the elephant in the room... how are we going to operate this year? As always Bill and I keep a close watch on recent events and it would seem the "powers that be" have left it to us business owners to make our own decisions with regard to covid mandates.

I will start by saying we realize the Ontario government has dropped mask mandates for retail businesses, however, we have never subscribed to the politics of covid. We take our cues from the scientists and the medical professionals and have done whatever we feel will keep you and ourselves safe. Having said this, we are going to run the store the same way we have the past two seasons and we will require a well-fitted mask that covers from nose to chin be worn in the store( little plastic mouth coverings or visors are not acceptable). We do this for our many customers who are elderly and/or immuno-compromised. We do this for your safety as well as our own. If Bill or I get sick our businesses shuts down, something we can't afford. It's as simple as that.

Now, we recognize that this decision may be unpopular with many and we know people can be very passionate about their opinions. Please, please, please do not make our little business a platform for debate. We want to see an end to masks and covid as much as everyone else. We're trying to do what we believe is right for us, our business, our customers while trying against all odds to prevent becoming another business casualty.

On a positive note we are about to begin our fourteenth season! As always we will do our very best to offer the quality, fresh baking and friendly service you deserve. 

We sure hope you'll come visit!

Have a fabulous week! 

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Opening April 30th!

Spring has arrived whimpering and whining and afraid of its own shadow. Winter has been relentless. I can sum up our winter in two words; shovelling and wood lugging ( ‘Kayso that’s three words… what-the-ev) It was a hard one and I believe that’s true no matter where you were this winter. But I’m not here to be a downer, dude. Nah, brah. It’s all good because I have - what Bill and I hope - comes as good news.

But… before I get to that I do want to apologize for my lack of activity online. I know it has been sporadic for the past couple of years and I’ve been MIA this past winter. I’d spent the better part of twelve years promoting The Little Tart online across multiple social media platforms and our blog. Google and the social media gods insist on a constant stream of content to keep its “creators” in their good graces. SEO optimization, algorithms and constantly coming up with new content ideas to satisfy the perpetually hungry beast can be daunting. 

Quite simply… I’m burnt out. I started to notice a couple of years ago (coincidently when covid struck). This past fall and winter I’d reached maximum interweb burnout. I have spent little to no time online this winter and it has helped considerably.

I will continue to maintain The Little Tart online and keep you up to date with what’s new, hip and happening here. I don’t want to disappear altogether. Who is going to listen to my bad jokes and ramblings?

And with that I am happy to say that The Little Tart will begin our fourteenth season on Saturday April 30th! We are already in “getting ready” mode and looking forward to getting back to baking. It’s been a long winter and we’re excited to welcome everyone back!

I’ll be back with details!

Bill and I hope you are well, and healthy and happy and look forward to seeing you again soon!