We are Open!
But before I get back to the baking making I have I have an itty-bitty-ditty to share.
If you've been to The Little Tart you may have noticed I practice my writing chops by coming up with little write-ups for each item. Some are a little sassy, some suggestive (The double entendre of our name is no accident), and some are just silly. They're fun to write and hopefully fun to read.
What does any of this long-winded intro have to do with the itty-bitty-diddy? It's a segue.
The Little Tart has big, moist muffins (See what I mean?). That's no secret. The secret is, they really want to be cake because - let's face it - a muffin is really a piece of cake without the frosting. Except for those bran muffins or multi-grain h... hel... good for you kind.
And now we're to the itty-bitty-ditty!
Inspired by the muffin's write-up I came up with this tongue twister. Say it three times fast. Have a blast of a weekend!
How many cakes could the baker's bakery bake, if the baker's bakery only made cakes. The baker's bakery could bake as many cakes as the baker's bakery could make.
But we're a tart shop so... look! 🐿