Well that was an uneventful winter; snow shovelling, wood lugging and isolating, oh my!
'kayso here we are again. This time last year Bill and I struggled with the decision to have a spring opening or to not have a spring opening. This year the decision is clear...
We are having a spring opening and hope this comes as good news.
It feels wrong to be posting this given the current circumstances and it is not lost on Bill and I that there are so many businesses struggling and sufferiing right now. Nobody, including us, wants their business to be a casualty of covid.
We need to open.
Bill and I have followed the details of this pandemic very closely during the off season and, like everyone else, have felt the cumbersome weight of stress and depression that comes from wanting to get our lives back and get back to living. We have been diligent in our efforts to stay safe and healthy and to keep others safe when we have had to venture out for necessities.
Once again, we promise to be as diligent in our efforts to keep you safe as we operate our business. Just like last year, we will have covid protocols in place.
Having said all that, we are happy and excited to announce that our thirteenth season will begin on - drum roll please!
Saturday, May 1st!
I will keep you updated throughout the month and provide more details as our opening approaches.
We have missed you and hope you are safe and healthy. We hope you will visit us this season and look forward to baking for you again this year!