The Little Tart - Closed for the Season |
Every year we begin our season with all those weeks and months stretched out ahead of us. We get so busy that we don’t notice time passing and then it seems like in the blink of an eye… it’s over.
Ten years is a milestone. Over the course of last winter we discussed what we were going to do to celebrate but then we realized we do celebrate; every day of every season and to us “customer appreciation” isn’t a buzz word, it’s what we strive to express to every person who comes through our door. And so again this year we carried on without bells and whistles, without fanfare, without streamers and balloons (although streamers and balloons might have been fun!) and we did what we always do and though you might not realize it, you celebrated this milestone with us by visiting us here at the store or by simply saying a warm hello here online.
In ten years we have met so many people and so many of you have impacted our lives in ways we never would have expected. Just today we learned that one of our customers who underwent heart surgery a few weeks ago is doing fine. We are so relieved for him and his family. Ever since we heard he was having surgery we have been waiting to hear how he is. He became the topic of many of our conversations. This person has shared his personal stories with us, taken an interest in how we are doing both professionally and personally, he has talked us through some difficult times and has offered us words of wisdom and encouragement.
When we heard what had happened we quickly realized he isn’t just a customer anymore. He and his family are people we care about. We also realize how many of you we no longer consider just customers, but friends; people we look forward to seeing or hearing from, people we miss when we don't see or hear from you, people we get concerned about when it has been too long since we've seen or heard from you.
In ten years we have watched children grow, couples get married, couples get divorced, one partner tragically lose another, we have lost customers who have sold their cottages, sold their homes and moved away, or again, through tragedy. We have shared stories; good and bad, we have seen people at their best and occasionally when life is kicking their a… butt. Bill has found himself a confident, and occasionally a shoulder. In return you have been there for us in so many ways that we couldn’t begin to count but most of all, year after year, you keep us here, you pick us up when we’re feeling like we can’t keep going, you encourage and cheer us on. You forgive our mistakes and you tolerate our need to make changes and you make us feel like rock stars.
The other day I told Bill I was running out of ways to express our appreciation and our gratitude. I was concerned that the words were starting to fall flat or lose their sincerity. He said, “Everyone knows how we feel about them. Just say ‘thank you’.”
That’s Bill. Simple and to the point. (By simple I didn’t mean – I wasn’t suggesting – darn it, I shouldn’t have tried to qualify that because now I’m making it worse. Never mind.)
Thank you.
From our home to yours (or your cottage) wherever you may be, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Please be safe, be healthy and come back to see us next year because until then, we will miss you.