Today is always bittersweet day for us. As much as we're looking forward to a slower pace and some down time, we know how quiet it's going to be and we'll miss the friendly smiles, conversations and laughter we so enjoy.
How do I say what I've said so many times before in so many ways and convey just how much you mean to us?
Thank you.
Thank you.
An eternity of thank you.
Thank you for being so kind, so supportive, so thoughtful, so generous, so encouraging, so patient, so persistent, and so understanding.
Most of all thank you so much keeping our little shop going for nine years and for making it possible to look forward to our tenth.
I wont say good-bye because I'll be back here posting again soon, we will be opening at Christmas this year, and this isn't a good-bye post. It's simply so long for now, my friends.
From our home to yours, we wish you a very Happy and Wonderful Thanksgiving!
(And I lied. I'm a weepy mess. Oh well, I'll try again next year.)