Home Made Ice Coffee |
Bill and I loving refer to this time of the year as, "lock down". Operating The Little Tart seven days a week leaves little time for "summer" and so we have to sneak it in here and there when we can. Our day often begins somewhere between 4am - 5am (depending on the day's menu) and ends anywhere from 9pm - 12am (depending on the next day's menu). The work goes on even when The Little Tart is closed and so it's nice, when we can, to take a fifteen minute break, sit on the back deck, and soak up some vitamin D.
This afternoon we closed the doors, looked at the mess, the dishes, and the amount of prep remaining as we head into this busy Canada Day weekend and decided to indulge in a pick-me-up glass of home made iced coffee.
What I like about making our own ice coffee is knowing what's in it and it's so easy (not to mention tasty) I want to share it with you.
Now keep in mind this recipe can be tweaked and twisted and turned into whatever tickles your taste buds. We like to taste the coffee in our iced coffee and so we use a dark roast instant coffee. The amount of sugar might seem a little much, but trust me, it's not overly sweet. And by all means, try whatever dairy (or non dairy) works for you. I happened to have 35% cream in the house.
So, whether you're lazing on a deck chair on the dock, or, if you're like us, just trying to steal a bit of summer, enjoy!
Ice Coffee
1/4 cup boiling water
2 tbsp. instant coffee (more or less, depending on taste)
2 tbsp. sugar (more or less depending on taste)
1/4 cup cream (10%, 35%, your choice)
3/4 milk (1%, 2%, soya, almond, your choice)
4 or 5 ice cubes
Add the instant coffee and sugar to boiling water and stir until all melted. Add cream and milk. Stir. Pour over ice. Add straw. Enjoy!