May Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm (or sold out)
1035 Koshlong Lake Road
Haliburton, Ontario
thelittletart at live dot ca
We are located just 8km south of Haliburton off of Gelert Road (That's only a ten minute drive from downtown!) or follow the Rail Trail.
Here at The Little Tart all of our baked goods are created from scratch and made by hand fresh daily the way home baking should be.
We take pride in everything we do from our baking to our friendly and courteous customer service. All of our recipes are tried and retried until they are our absolute best.
Visit us at The Little Tart and fall in love at first bite!
Making mouths water since 2009.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Closed for the Season

Bill and I have no delusions of grandeur. We operate a tiny tart shop in a little town within a small town. To quote RUSH (because any time I also speak for Bill I have to quote RUSH) “We’re nobody’s heroes.” We bake. No biggy wiggy, boo boo. But then you come through the door or reach out here online and make us feel like what we do here really matters. We’re hardly essential but you sure make us feel that we are and what an amazing and humbling feeling that is.

So, after our thirteenth season here’s how we see it; The Little Tart has become about more than just tarts and treats. All of us together have created this special place of happiness, joy, love, laughter, acceptance, celebration and togetherness. It’s everything Bill and I ever hoped this tiny shop would become and so much more. There’s no magic formula, we’re all just making it up as we go along. That’s what makes it so wonderful.

Many folks have been asking about a winter opening. It’s early days yet but we are hoping to have one again this year. I’ll keep you posted.

And so here we are, once again, at the end of our season. It has been our pleasure and privilege to bake for you again this year and we’re so happy (and very relieved) to say we’ll do this all over again next year.

It is with love and our deepest appreciation and gratitude that Bill and I thank you for your unwavering support, your kindness, your generosity, for your patience, tolerance and understanding and for trusting us as we navigated our way through these past two years.

So long for now, my friends. We love you and we’ll miss you so please be safe and healthy so we get to see you again! ❤


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Booty Call Doodle part 2


Wow! It's October! When did that happen?

You know, I just love dragonflies. They are one of my favourite summer critters. (And not just because I know how to draw them in chocolate.) The arrival of dragonflies signals the commencement of the summer season, the end of itty bitty bitey buggy-boos; Nature's pest control and they're just so darned pretty to 

So this morning - as I prepare to doodle onto the Booty Call tarts - like, totally ready to create something awesomely autumn inspired - I said to myself, "Self?"

"Yes, self," I replied.

"Dragonflies are magnificent little creatures, are they not?" myself said.

"Why," I replied, "They are indeed quite magnificent."

"And they are a quintessential summer emblem," myself added.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked. And we both laughed because we both knew what the other was thinking." (twitch)

So... this weekend, we (twitch) - I mean - I decided to pay tribute to our friend, our ally against the itty bitty bitey buggy- boos and a true summer emblem by drawing them one more time onto our Booty Call tarts!

And this decision (twitch) had nothing to do with my failed attempt at a turkey. (Yes, that's a broken Booty Call. No my sad drawing didn't break it. My clumsy fingers did.)

Anyhoo, don't let the weather get you down, have a wonderful day and a fantabulous weekend!